Thursday, May 7, 2009

p.o.: ughghghghg i am soooo olllld
d.k.: i would like to hear you say ughgughughg sometime. just a simple request.
p.o.: lol i do it sometimes. like when i am trying to display an overlarge amount of disgust. like a cartoon amount. to be annoying.
d.k.: good cause i can't wait to hear it. does heidi appreciate it?
p.o.: she does the sigh, let head fall back with eyes closed when i do it. like, "why am i dating him. why do i let him touch me.." good ol heidi. she totally got the short end of the stick.
to d.k. and n.s. in the middle of a nice family conversation:

k.h.: you know what i think?! you guys just really need to fuck already.

tried to think of the least sexy food.. but ultimately an epic fail

k.h.: man, i love fondues soo much. they are like the sexiest food there is.
n.s.: you could make any food sexy though... like, even a hot dog..


teh internetz

discussing internet phenomena..
the word "phenom" comes up:

d.k.: how do you pronounce phenom anyway? fee-nom? or fuh-nom?
p.o.: phenomemeNOMNOMNOM
p.o.: i read a prayer at the hospice today. voluntarily. out loud. in a ceremony. in front of everyone.
d.k.: you are a good person.
p.o.: no. it was for the workers.